Sunday, 25 May 2008


I turned the computer on, instead of going to sleep. I wanted to vent and rant over a friend, who might not be a friend anymore.

But then I found my oldest and best friend online, and we ranted a bit together, and vented, and then moved on. As it should be. Vented and not dwelled on and reread afterwards. I love this friend so much. You rock, chica!

And in the mailbox I found a little tiny link with a great impact. I liked their daily blessing, and have subscribed to it's mailing list.
I figured; "Better to read something positive and happy, maybe even a bit cheesy first thing in the morning at work, then to get all those forwards threatening bad luck if I don't forward them! "
Which, by the way, I don't. I prefer not to pass on bad energy.

Anyway, positive thinking is a great habit, which I do not possess fully yet. It's good to be reminded sometimes. :)

This turned out to be a good night after all.
I love you all.

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