Saturday, 31 January 2009

You & me & differences

Zadnjič sva imela tak čuden, napet večer. Ja. Ne, ne vem. Ne da se mi kregat. Kaj ne veš. Mah ne da se mi zdej o tem. Pustva stat. Dobro. Če tako hočeš. Pustiva stat. Menjajva temo. Kaj bi počela, če bi si lahko privoščila, nobenih denarnih ali časovnih omejitev, nobenih obveznosti?

Šla bi okoli sveta. Vzela bi nahrbtnik in šla. Ne z avioni. Avtobusi, vlaki, ladje. Brez načrta, brez pričakovanj. se ustavim, kjer se mi zazdi, ostanem, dokler hočem. Rada spoznavam nove ljudi, se soočam z drugimi kulturami. Rada doživljam. Ljudje so najmočnejša droga. Kot star zarjavel robot v globokem mrzlem vesolju oživim, ko se me dotakne duša in roka drugačnih bitij. Srce in duša mi zaživita. Vsako novo spoznavanje je kot osvajanje. Brez tega se počutim kot tetraplegik ujet v postelji v sobi brez oken, le stene in tla, in iščem vzorce in obraze med nepravilnostmi stropa. Kontakt potrebujem kot zrak, vodo in hrano, bolj kot spanje.

Obožujem stik z drugačnimi izkušnjami. Ob tem rastem. Rada rastem. In rada si širim obzorja. In se učim več o sebi. In tebi. In nama.

V glavnem, bekpekala bi z največjim veseljem. Več, kot gre v ruzak, tako ne rabim. Sprotoma kupujem potrebno in se istočasno znebim vsega, kar me otežuje. Osvobajajoč občutek.


Hm? Kaj ti pomeni tale Hm?

Razmišljam, kako različna sva.

Kako različna?

Mene pri potovanju spoznavanje drugih ljudi in kultur sploh ne zanima. (AAA KAKO? KAKO TE TO NE ZANIMA??? TO NI MOŽNO! Pa ravno ti! Ok, to raje ne bom rekla na glas)

To ni, kar hočem od počitnic. In da ne vem, kje bom spal in kaj počnem jutri, mi je grozno. Hočem hotel, vnaprej rezerviran, kopalnico v sobi, ne maram skupnih kopalnic. V gneči mi je neprijetno. rad potujem in počitnikujem udobno. Ruzak? Kaj pa vem, mogoče res lahko spakiraš vse, kar rabiš, ampak vseeno...

Pač sva si različna. Včasim me preseneti, koliko. Pozabim, da nisva eno.

Me veseli, da te še vedno presenečam. Mene vedno presenetiš z odraslostjo in strpnostjo. Predvsem pa me preseneča tvoje potrpljenje z mano.



Nekaj ti moram povedat.


Nekaj zelo pomembnega.

Umm... jaaaa?

Ljubim te.

You know, you're such a drama queen sometimes.

I love you too, silly.

Hihihi vem, ampak tudi zato me imaš rad.

Thursday, 15 January 2009


A je možno, da me po samo 15 minutah intenzivne telovadbe naslednji dan vse boli???
Mislim, halo!
Ogrevanje in raztezanje očitno nista brez veze... Pri drugih sortah "telovadbe" nimam nobenih problemov... ;) eh ja...

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Wow... learn something new every day...

Junk food science

Cool! I'll keep on buying the cheap veggies, then.

Another year older...

Well, the clock has turned over 0:00, so I guess officially it's my

birthday today. Yay me!

How does that lyric go? ... another year older and closer to death?

But let's not get too morbid (Just a bit, as much as it's appropriate for such an occasion. Wouldn't want to be inappropriate, would we?).
Every day we are all closer to dying, but we have also experienced one more day of glorious life (well, most of us, anyway).

So, what shall I write about? How this past year has treated me? What I thought I'd be at 29 when I was a kid? What my plans for this year are? All of the above?

No idea. I'll just go with the flow and
see where I end up, as usual.

A recap, to begin with;

+ 1 regular employment

± same family that I love
+ 1-2 embryos developing into nieces or nephews (as of Christmas)
± same great relationship with my Viking
+ many lessons learned in it
+ new family I really like and (I hope) they like me to
o. I now seem to have 2 brothers named Emil. Beat that! :))) (Nooo, I am not married, and won't be for a while yet. But I am aiming for forever, and hope to see it last)
± same old best friend that I love too

± same cat, still alive (yup, sleeping on a hot water bottle... it's -15°C outside, just so you know!)
- 800 and some € for vet bills
+ some kg (no, I will not make a resolution to diet, that just results in the number after the plus getting higher)
+ 2 coworkers
± same roommates, and we all get along still
+ one Open water diver's license (fuuuuuuuuun)
+ some frequent fliers miles
+ many friend's kids (seems to be a year to bree
d among them... ok, ok, procreate... oh fine, it's been a very fruitful year for couples)
+ some growing up done... not by far grown-up, though :) my inner kid does not give in that fast

It's been an interesting year. Hard to believe it was a whole year ago / only one year (time is tricky like that, one moment it seems so stretch like a red carpet far far away, and the next it ripples and folds and rises to trip you up) since we celebrated my b-day by going for hamburgers in Lima.

And next year it'll be the big 3-0, supposedly a big milestone or something. Hopefully, it'll mark another big change, or an avalanche of them; finishing up my uni (finally, dad can get plastered!), moving up North to my Viking, leaving all of this behind...

Yup, should be a busy year coming up. I feel tired already, best go catch some sleep to start with ;)

Luv ya all. Have a piece of cake!

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Teta Petra

Čez dobrih 8 mesecev, držimo pesti, bom teta.